Wednesday, November 2, 2011

When Things Matter

I have been very focused inward for the past few months.  Starting school again has made my brain full of thoughts of studying and learning and questioning my professors.

However, an email from my AmeriCorps Alums group has caught my attention and called me to #FighttheZERO. 

Apparently, Members of Congress believe it is an option to eliminate funding for AmeriCorps completely.  I disagree.  We must look beyond the ideas that our country is lagging in education and losing its competitive edge, and we must see what we are getting correct.  A nationally-organized service organization is right.  An opportunity for young people to serve is right.  A resurgance in volunteerism and civic-mindedness is right.

AmeriCorps makes our country stronger in so many ways.  Just look for the twitter topic #FighttheZERO to see the multitude of Americans who were changed for the better from a year or two of service to other Americans.

I'll be an active part of the political landscape as I can, first by using social media as @mspennypolitico to contact the requisite politicians.  Because, yes, service matters.