Thursday, March 10, 2011

I like talking about myself

Even more so with short paragraphs.

I store ponytail holders in convenient, if not ultra organized ways.  I have a few in my desk at work, some on my nightstand, my dresser, my side table in the living room, and in a basket in the bathroom.  But never in the kitchen.  Hair accessories do not belong in the kitchen.

I primarily date online.  I don't know how to meet men in real life.  And I may be too standoffish for any men to strike up a conversation with me.  I let down my defenses online - which may be why I get hurt so much. . . my 20s are for learning how to date, right?

I've been carrying around too much weight for most of my life.  So I've given up soda for Lent.  Which may actually lead to more expense for me for the next 40 days.  Unfair that soda is less than a dollar and my favorite skim-milk coffee drinks are more than three dollars.  And possibly almost as many sugary calories.  Maybe my coffee maker does still work.  Do coffee grounds last 2 years?  ;)

I am a terrible housekeeper and I am pretty sure that is why men break up with me.  They appreciate my boobs but not my dust bunnies.  Note to self: cleaning dust bunnies is both exercise and visually rewarding!  Also, if I have clean coffee mugs, I will be more likely to eat breakfast at home and save money.

I use rewards from my credit card as excuses to spend money.  I do not think I am alone in this, but I would like to re-evaluate the wisdom of using revolving debt in this way. . .

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