I've been doing a fairly good job of sticking to just using my debit card for purchases the past month. For the entire month of February, I put most of my fast food meals and caffeinated beverages on the one account - sticking to a cash basis for to prevent massive interest on massive credit cards.
A good idea, especially since I can add up all the expenditures easily from one, wait, two, oh, FOUR screens of transactions?!? My purchases of less than $10 at a time came all the way up to $184.85. This does not include gas or food bought at grocery stores (bc those are necessary-est). So the 1.74 at the gas station for a soda and chips, the 7.78 at Starbucks for Coffee and yummy egg sandwich, they add up.
So the good news is, I can save at LEAST $100 a month by buying cheaper items at the grocery store to feed myself! Excellent news! Bc a full carton of 18 eggs is 2.50ish and that can last me for 9 breakfasts!
Go to it, superwoman! Make your own d**n breakfast! Side bonus: potential weight loss from cutting out nasty salt and extra fats (that make take-out/fast food so delish)
Feb is an ideal month bc it is an even four weeks - my average weekly extra spending was $46.21. Uhm, that is kind of sickening. I don't like it, so please hold my hand while I change my lifestyle up a bit.
Final thought - elimination of one of my student loan payments has left me with $280 dollars of cushion in my bank account! I will decide what to best do with cushion. Most likely, I will pay it towards the 29% credit card. . .
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