Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I'm trying to make intelligence supercede emotions in all aspects of my life - especially since I've identified that unhappiness results in spending sprees (food or random stuff at Target) which results in more debt-based unhappiness.

Even so, at the same time, I am still trying to find a life partner. 

Do you know how difficult it is to apply "what I know" to dating when "what I feel" is so much stronger?  and when I overthink a relationship, it is doomed to fail anyway.  Truly, going with emotions can be a better option if I really want to fall in love.

But I'm not ready to fall in love only to get heartbroken again!  I'm seeing myself transform into a cynical, empty, baggage-ful 20something.  Two months ago, I chose to end a relationship that just wasn't passionate enough.  I've been rewarded with a handful of guys who are more focused on the assets I carry in my sweater than my brain power and personality. 

This weekend, I spent a day with a new man - one who I've been talking to for over a month and just wasn't getting a good read on him via text message (when I say "talking to" I mean texting.  Texts are the new phone call.  I hate it.  But at least I don't have to worry about going over on my minutes?).  Anyway, new guy has terrible texting grammar - I thought either he was not a native English speaker or slightly MR.  In real life, he was surprisingly easy to joke with, although he wasn't reading my expressions very well.  We spent AGES together, watching sports, movies, talking about stuff, and making out.  ;) 

I really enjoyed myself and want to see him again.  Everyday.  Which my mind tells me is not the way this is going to go down.  Over the past month, I've found that he is not good at a) planning ahead and b) asking me for a date.  Now that we've gotten the first date taken care of, will he improve?  Do I continue to pursue other people online? 

Where do I stop worrying and start living?  The stronger I feel about a man, the more likely I am to be impatient regarding communication and date frequency - which leads to chronic disappointment because HONESTLY PENNY! it is never a good idea for a guy to be able to text/call/email you throughout the day.  It means he is unemployed or a slacker at work. 

I'm reminding myself to relax.  I'm reminding myself to let the relationship flow and develop.  I do not need to over-think this.  I can use my braincells for figuring out my money situation - and just let my emotions overwhelm me.  Because THAT is the best part of dating.  The beginning lust and excitement!

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