Thursday, February 24, 2011


Ok, I am just feeling down today.  I don't know if it is the gloomy weather, the spike in gas prices when I only have 7 miles to go on my current tank, I overslept and was late for work, the pain in my heel from wearing cheap poorly fitting shoes yesterday, the fact that I am alone, the fact that I am alone because I'm overweight, last night when my toilet broke (again, but I don't think I can fix it this time). . . 

After dinner last night, after breakfast this morning, I just kept feeling hungry and empty.  Even after feeling too full to finish my dinner.  I'm pretty sure that this means the feeling is an emotional emptiness.  And it certainly does not support my weightloss goals to eat all day long.  At least I left the brownies at home.  And will remind myself that eating out costs too much money. 

Just feels like everything is sub-par.  I don't know how to plan anything, save for anything, clean anything.  So I have a fuzzy television, a broken dvd player, and a messy apartment.  And no plans to look forward to.

EDITED TO ADD:  When I spoke to the Property Manager, she did not act like she knew me at all.  And I just had my oven fixed a week ago!  One week and not the slightest reference to the fact that we had spoken extensively about another broken thing in my apt.  I think I'll continue this experiment and call her about the refrigerator next week.  It's been making stranger noises than usual.  Maybe she'll remember me.

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