Thursday, March 10, 2011

I like talking about myself

Even more so with short paragraphs.

I store ponytail holders in convenient, if not ultra organized ways.  I have a few in my desk at work, some on my nightstand, my dresser, my side table in the living room, and in a basket in the bathroom.  But never in the kitchen.  Hair accessories do not belong in the kitchen.

I primarily date online.  I don't know how to meet men in real life.  And I may be too standoffish for any men to strike up a conversation with me.  I let down my defenses online - which may be why I get hurt so much. . . my 20s are for learning how to date, right?

I've been carrying around too much weight for most of my life.  So I've given up soda for Lent.  Which may actually lead to more expense for me for the next 40 days.  Unfair that soda is less than a dollar and my favorite skim-milk coffee drinks are more than three dollars.  And possibly almost as many sugary calories.  Maybe my coffee maker does still work.  Do coffee grounds last 2 years?  ;)

I am a terrible housekeeper and I am pretty sure that is why men break up with me.  They appreciate my boobs but not my dust bunnies.  Note to self: cleaning dust bunnies is both exercise and visually rewarding!  Also, if I have clean coffee mugs, I will be more likely to eat breakfast at home and save money.

I use rewards from my credit card as excuses to spend money.  I do not think I am alone in this, but I would like to re-evaluate the wisdom of using revolving debt in this way. . .

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cooking out of the pantry

Saving money success!  I have a friend staying with me for the next 10 days or so, and she is encouraging with the whole "let's have food at home and save money and eat healthier"  (Except she pulls out Hershey's bars after dinner for us to share for dessert!!!) 

She noticed that I had 2 cans of garbanzo beans AKA chickpeas in my pantry and said something about making hummus. . . since I don't have a food processor, I looked for a recipe online that could use them whole and found this amaaaaazing vegetarian dish!

We made it last night, after I worked until 7:30 and it was easy peasy.  The hardest part was dicing the onion and then sauteeing it without burning the garlic - I have the tendency to want to use high heat.  After that, I just threw in the rest of the ingredients and watched tv while the flavors mingled . . .

So, had the chickpeas, had the frozen spinach, had garlic and red pepper flakes, and spices (made it without paprika bc I don't know where that ran off to) . . purchased lemons and tomatoes and onions and FETA to make it awesome! so overall, spent approximately $7 more dollars on the meal.  And have just had the leftovers for lunch, and will have enough to eat it again tomorrow and Friday . . . if I don't offer any to my office mates. 

I feel good about eating the veggies and VERY GOOD about the fact that I have at least 3 meals out of this delicious, fairly nutritious, and cheap/already paid for meal.  If you love mediterranean flavors, make this food now!  sooooo good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I plan on viewing this as positive news

I've been doing a fairly good job of sticking to just using my debit card for purchases the past month.  For the entire month of February, I put most of my fast food meals and caffeinated beverages on the one account - sticking to a cash basis for to prevent massive interest on massive credit cards.

A good idea, especially since I can add up all the expenditures easily from one, wait, two, oh, FOUR screens of transactions?!?  My purchases of less than $10 at a time came all the way up to $184.85.  This does not include gas or food bought at grocery stores (bc those are necessary-est).  So the 1.74 at the gas station for a soda and chips, the 7.78 at Starbucks for Coffee and yummy egg sandwich, they add up. 

So the good news is, I can save at LEAST $100 a month by buying cheaper items at the grocery store to feed myself!  Excellent news!  Bc a full carton of 18 eggs is 2.50ish and that can last me for 9 breakfasts!

Go to it, superwoman!  Make your own d**n breakfast!  Side bonus: potential weight loss from cutting out nasty salt and extra fats (that make take-out/fast food so delish)

Feb is an ideal month bc it is an even four weeks - my average weekly extra spending was $46.21.  Uhm, that is kind of sickening.  I don't like it, so please hold my hand while I change my lifestyle up a bit.

Final thought - elimination of one of my student loan payments has left me with $280 dollars of cushion in my bank account!  I will decide what to best do with cushion.  Most likely, I will pay it towards the 29% credit card. . .